Introduction to Processing
Learn how to use Processing, a “flexible software sketchbook”. Discover how to code visuals and the...
Find out what’s new at Ampere, and within our extensive partner network, as we work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities to ensure that everyone has the power to embrace the power that STEAM creates.
Learn how to use Processing, a “flexible software sketchbook”. Discover how to code visuals and the...
This learning program is divided into two courses: Introduction to Google Workspace and Advanced Google Workspace....
This course is an introduction to podcasting. It will take the learner through the process of...
This course introduces learners to the world of video production by taking them along a three-step...
This course introduces the basics of video streaming online. We will work through the fundamentals of...
Learn about python in this introductory course.
Learners will understand how to protect their personal information while online, source reliable information online for...
In this course, the basics of Scratch will be introduced to provide learners with the foundational...