STEAM Resources

Online curriculum, activities and lessons plans, to bring STEAM education to life

We firmly believe that:


Teachers should be able to focus on teaching:

they should have access to a library of innovative, engaging STEAM education materials that allows them to focus on bringing learning to life for each and every student.


Education from the community is better for the community:

Learners need to be able to see themselves, their culture and their community in their learning materials.


Anyone can teach ‘STEAM’:

STEAM education is more than just a wall of code and robots serving our every need. STEAM is part of every subject, and everyone can integrate it into their classroom.

Based on those beliefs, Ampere has created an extensive library of K-12 educator resources that align with provincial and territorial standards.

We continue to add new modules and curriculum daily, that centres relationships in rural, remote, and Indigenous communities.

Online Learning Resources You Can Trust

Ampere’s online learning resources:

  • Are co-designed by STEAM education experts and our partner communities and educators.
  • Focus on play-based, immersive learning that ensures knowledge is retained.
  • Provides an ever-growing menu of cultural and community-relevant variations and unique resources to ensure STEAM is accessible for everyone.
  • Prioritizes cost reduction/elimination – wherever possible, we use household or “found” materials in activities and free software options.
  • Align with provincial and territorial curriculum requirements and standards.
  • Include educator support, guides and documentation.
  • Are 100% free.

Root & Stem

A complete STEAM Educator Toolkit

Root & STEM is an educator-focused magazine featuring challenging perspectives, curriculum and stories of innovation. It’s a podcast, featuring leading thinkers and creators. It’s a completely free resource – a toolkit to help you find and spread STEAM insight and ideas.

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