
Discover Why Games Matter, for Education and Representation

Pinnguaq Association explores why games matter in STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) in the newly-released third issue of Root and STEM Magazine, available now.

Pinnguaq’s Root & STEM Magazine Issue 3 is now available

Pinnguaq Association explores why games matter in STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) in the newly-released third issue of Root and STEM Magazine, available now.

With a focus on analog and digital gaming, and a guest editorial by legendary Doom game designer John Romero, this issue examines different perspectives and opportunities for games to power-up learners and educators. Featured stories in this issue include:

  • Up Your Game: How Video Games Empower K-12 Learners – Alison Pomenta speaks with video game creators to uncover the positive outcomes that games can offer in the classroom.
  • History Retabled – Kim Wheeler shows us how Connor Alexander was inspired to create Coyote & Crow, a Dungeons & Dragons-style sci-fi/fantasy role playing game set in an alternate future free of colonization.
  • Just Like Us – Cole Pauls, a Tahltan comic artist, illustrator and printmaker hailing from Haines Junction, contributes an original comic story about Indigenous representation in video games.

The issue also includes learning modules designed for learners from Kindergarten to Grade 12, to  support educators and parents exploring the role of games in education, and provide invaluable content for remote and at-home learning.

Root and STEM Issue 3 can be downloaded for free, or viewed as separate articles on our website at Free print editions and school sets of magazines can be requested by emailing

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