Responsibilities to Mother Earth: Interactive Storytelling with Scratch
Learning how to make interactive stories in Scratch.
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Learning how to make interactive stories in Scratch.
Students will learn about mythology, legends and folktales while programming a Choose Your Own Adventure style...
Using students knowledge of probability and data management, students will create a math question children’s story...
It is important for anybody to know how to not become subjects to online scams. Learn...
With the internet being bigger than it ever was, it is important to develop critical thinking...
When artificial intelligence (AI) advances to a certain level, it may be possible to have conversations...
In this series, the basics of Scratch will be introduced to provide learners with the foundational...
This unplugged coding activity challenges you to encode different words into binary code. In this activity...
In this series, the basics of Scratch will be introduced to provide learners with the foundational...