Leveling Up: Selling on Facebook and Instagram

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This course provides the learner with a functional understanding of the commerce tools available on Facebook and Instagram and the best practices associated with promoting and selling handmade products on these platforms. 

Course Objectives 

By the end of this activity, students will be able to create a basic animation by changing a sprite’s costume and adding sounds. There is also an additional challenge where students can learn how to code a basic keyboard game where programming random conditions and score mechanisms will be explored.

  • Understand the free commerce tools available to Business Pages on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Understand the options available to Canadian businesses for selling products on Facebook and Instagram and the anticipated e-commerce features that are yet to be released in Canada.


This course will take between 2-3 hours.

Materials are the same for each lesson. All participants must have access to a laptop or desktop computer, a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet that can capture and edit photos, and access a consistent Internet connection. 

Participants must also have a personal Facebook Profile, a Facebook Business Page and/or an Instagram Business profile connected to the business they want to make “shoppable” and full admin privileges to these accounts. To catalogue and tag products on Facebook and Instagram, they must also be listed on an e-commerce platform. The shop must sell products or goods (not services) to use Facebook Catalog, and those goods may not be restricted, controlled or in any way unlawful to list on Facebook. 

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