
Celebrating Incredible Funders Supporting STEAM Education and Facilities in The City of Kawartha Lakes

As a non-profit organization, Ampere (formerly The Pinnguaq Association) relies on the support of funders, partners and donors to bring STEAM education and opportunities to people at every age, and every stage of life.

As a non-profit organization, Ampere (formerly The Pinnguaq Association) relies on the support of funders, partners and donors to bring STEAM education and opportunities to people at every age, and every stage of life.

Throughout 2024/25, we’ve received incredible support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and multiple Ministries within the Government of Ontario, all focused on creating a world-class STEAM education facility in the City of Kawartha Lakes, and implementing programming that brings practical, meaningful STEAM education to life.

Supporting STEAM Makerspaces _ Programming in the Kawartha Lakes
Supporting STEAM Makerspaces _ Programming in the Kawartha Lakes

It’s a long list, but we’d like to take a moment to recognize everything that these funders have made possible:

The Ontario Trillium Foundation provided funding for:

  • Purchase and installation of all flooring, tiles and light fixtures at our new Ampere Makerspace
  • The creation and piloting of Jumpstart Trades, an innovative program to introduce young women to the field of skilled trades.

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs Rural Economic Development program (RED) program provided funding for:

  • Complete interior wall framing, purchase and installation of insulation, drywall installation, purchase and installation of interior doors, purchase and installation of door trim, floor leveling and spray foam insulation (all of this is for 2 of the building’s 3 floors).

The Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development provided funding for:

  • Skills Development Fund – Constructing a new Skilled Trades Centre.

The Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility provided funding for:

  • Renewed funding for the development of multiple courses, interactive learning tools and resources focused on The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) for both employers in the restaurant/food service, retail, and agricultural sectors, as well as community groups.
  • Education focused on digital technology to help older adults manage finances, manage healthy diets and nutrition, and better connect with their community and loved ones.

The Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development provided funding for:

  • The promotion of the Skilled Trades in Central Ontario, including the construction of a new Skilled Trades Centre at our new Makerspace.

The Ontario Ministry of Education provided funding for:

  • The creation and printing of a special Issue of the Root & STEM magazine to support delivery of the recently released ‘Digital Technologies and Innovations in the Changing World’ Course, as well as online resources that support K–12 educators in teaching digital skills.

As always, we want to thank the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their dedication to supporting science, technology, engineering, art and math education and opportunities across the province.

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