Mythology Using Twine
Students will learn about mythology, legends and folktales while programming a Choose Your Own Adventure style...
Find out what’s new at Ampere, and within our extensive partner network, as we work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities to ensure that everyone has the power to embrace the power that STEAM creates.
Students will learn about mythology, legends and folktales while programming a Choose Your Own Adventure style...
Using students knowledge of probability and data management, students will create a math question children’s story...
This tutorial will take a detailed look at the last 4 steps involved in creating a...
This tutorial will take a detailed look at the first 3 steps involved in creating a...
See what Pinnguaq is offering for online learning at home for the week of May 18th...
An introduction to video game narratives: the different types of common narratives. Learn how to begin...
See what Pinnguaq is offering for online learning at home this week for April 20th-25th.
In this lesson we introduce students to the Two-Eyed Seeing or Etuaptmumk Framework, created by Mi’kmaw...
Students will be creating an interactive story based on a novel they have already read through...