Podcast & Play – Part 1

Find out what’s new at Ampere, and within our extensive partner network, as we work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities to ensure that everyone has the power to embrace the power that STEAM creates.

Beyond Blathers: Science in Modern Media (Part 1)

In this episode of the Root & STEM podcast, graduate students, Sofia Osborne and Olivia deBourcier, discuss their podcast Beyond Blathers, an educational show that expands on the scientific discoveries made along the journey through Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a Nintendo Switch game. Sofia shares the origins of the show and they explain how they are able bridge the gap between gaming and science. The two reference their childhoods to describe how modern media like video games can assist and inspire STEM learning. Finally, Sofia and Olivia explain how podcasting has improved their own ways  of learning.

You can find the Beyond Blathers podcast here.

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