Introduction to Facebook

Find out what’s new at Ampere, and within our extensive partner network, as we work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities to ensure that everyone has the power to embrace the power that STEAM creates.

The following short animations are intended for learners who have not yet set up a Facebook account or for those who have recently started. This short series will include:

  • Set Up a Facebook account
  • Understand the basic tools available on the Facebook platform
  • Connect with family and friends using Facebook.
  • Make a post
  • Change privacy settings on Facebook
  • Search for friends, family  and local communities on Facebook

How to Create A Facebook Account

In this video, we will show you how to stay in contact and share information with family and friends by creating a Facebook account.

Understand Basic Tools on Facebook

In this tutorial, we will explore the basic tools on the Facebook platform. These tools will help you connect with family and friends on Facebook.

How to Make a Facebook Post

Want to start putting posts and pictures on your Facebook account page? Watch this tutorial to start posting today!

How to Connect With Friends and Family on Facebook

In this tutorial, we discuss how to connect with your friends and family using the Facebook social media app.

Exploring Your Facebook Community 

In this video, we are going to explore the different ways you can connect to your community and interests over Facebook.

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