AI Bingo

Find out what’s new at Ampere, and within our extensive partner network, as we work with rural, remote and Indigenous communities to ensure that everyone has the power to embrace the power that STEAM creates.

Read the written excerpt on the first page briefly and identify any artificial intelligence (AI) usages that are mentioned (they’re in bold for an extra hint!) With a pencil, choose eight usages of AI from the text and fill them in on your bingo sheet. Choose one person to be the callout. Now, they call out an AI usage mentioned in the story at random. Each usage that is mentioned counts as a filled-in square if you selected it. To win, you must fill in three boxes in a row, and shout out Bingo!

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of <strong>AI Bingo ActivityAI Bingo ActivityDownload

This activity originally appeared in the fourth issue of Root & STEM, Pinnguaq’s free print and online STEAM resource supporting educators in teaching digital skills

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